Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The Life and Times of January 2015!

Christmas 2014 is in the books and a wonderful Christmas it was. 
All the family here and gathered for Christmas!!! 

 January 2015 has begun and nearly ending...the days are flying by. We may....probably.....WILL have an announcement in February!!!!! ....which means I WE can't wait until SUMMER 2015!!!

BEFORE I get into my projects that are in process..

Grab a cup of tea.and sit and you watch Downton Abby???   Riveting...draws me in...but also drives me crazy...Okay this past "Grandmoma" is not so proper? What is THAT story of her past....all started with a fan...a prince and Germany YIKES!!

Okay back to my projects. Here are the two projects in the works.. First making a crib quilt for the new grand-baby's nursery. The colors are Gray, Lavender and Teal. I will be making a Rag Edge Quilt!! I planned on using all 3 colors in the quilt. But as I'm cutting out all the colors I bought, laying them out together, now rethinking that. Here are the 3 photos of the squares of material (the nursery has light gray walls, with Lavender and Teal accents. White rug on floor.

This is the Lavender only material 

Lavender material with gray polka dot material added

Lavender, Teal and Gray

I'm really leaning only using the Lavender and Gray...I'm wondering if adding the teal just makes it TOO busy.
Leave a comment ..would love to hear from you!

Second project is painting and re-doing my sewing room. I'm painting the walls gray not too light and not too dark,
Then we are going to have white skirting just a little below half way down the walls, also white trim. 
Here is photo with is similar that we are going to do. My gray paint will be lighter than in the photo. Can't wait for the transformation!!

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